A coffee and a health consult?
4 tips to tap into your intuition
From victim to victor (how yoga has helped soften my anger and look my pain the eye)
A mindfulness based approach to food and nutrition
The one minute breath also known as the mother of all breath work practices
Meet me for a matcha?
What to do when 7:30pm is both your bedtime and your reservation time?
Exciting news from RL Wellness!
The power of being present and letting go of resentment (at an ungodly hour)!
Giving props (and a complimentary class in August)
Always with a side of mindfulness
Need a boost?
Happy International Women's Day!
10 things I wish people knew about lupus
Dream big
My story on the LFA blog!
My story of hope (and thirty minutes of tennis)
What a year without yoga taught me
Health coach spots open for Springtime!
Basketball dunkers...for the win!